CandidCo: All You Need To Know

Candid Co Clear Aligners: The Affordable and Convenient Solution for Teeth Straightening

Comparing Clear Aligner Brands

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If you’re considering clear aligner treatment to straighten your teeth, you’ve likely come across CandidCo. This popular clear aligner provider offers a unique hybrid approach, combining in-office consultations with remote dental monitoring. In this comprehensive review, we’ll dive into the details of CandidCo’s clear aligner treatment, explore the pros and cons, and compare it to other leading providers to help you make an informed decision.

What is CandidCo?

CandidCo is a clear aligner provider that specializes in offering orthodontic treatment through a hybrid model of in-office consultations and remote dental monitoring. Founded in 2017, CandidCo has rapidly gained popularity due to its focus on providing affordable, high-quality, and convenient orthodontic care. The company’s clear aligners are designed to treat mild to moderate orthodontic issues, including crowded teeth, spacing issues, and some bite problems.

What Orthodontic Issues Can CandidCo Fix?

CandidCo clear aligners can address mild to moderate orthodontic issues, such as:

Crowded teeth:
When there isn't enough space in the jaw for all the teeth to fit comfortably, leading to overlapping or crooked teeth.
Gaps between teeth:
Excess space between teeth, which can be caused by abnormal jaw growth or missing teeth.
When the upper teeth overlap the lower teeth excessively, potentially causing jaw pain or uneven tooth wear.
A condition where the lower teeth sit in front of the upper teeth, which can cause difficulty chewing and speaking.
When the upper and lower teeth don't align properly, resulting in one or more upper teeth biting on the inside of the lower teeth.
Open bite:
A situation where the upper and lower teeth don't make contact when the mouth is closed, leading to speech or chewing problems.

It’s important to note that CandidCo may not be suitable for those with severe orthodontic problems or those who require more complex dental procedures. In such cases, consulting with an orthodontist or dentist to discuss alternative treatment options is recommended.

Candid Clear Aligners

Candid Clear Aligners are designed for all-day wear and are made from a flexible, BPA-free material that is comfortable and durable. They are custom-fitted to your teeth using a 3D scan or at-home impression kit, and are designed to gradually shift your teeth into the desired position. Candid Clear Aligners are virtually invisible and can be removed for eating and cleaning.

Candid Nighttime Aligners

Candid Nighttime Aligners are designed to be worn while you sleep, and are intended for those who only need minor teeth adjustments. They are made from the same flexible material as Candid Clear Aligners, but are thinner and lighter. Candid Nighttime Aligners are not meant to be worn during the day and should only be removed for eating and cleaning.

Pros and Cons of CandidCo Clear Aligners

Hybrid treatment model:
CandidCo's unique hybrid approach combines in-office consultations with remote dental monitoring, offering a balanced blend of convenience and personalized care.
CandidCo's treatment costs are generally lower than traditional braces and some other clear aligner providers, making it an attractive option for budget-conscious patients.
Remote dental monitoring:
CandidCo offers remote monitoring by licensed dental professionals, ensuring that patients receive personalized care and support throughout the treatment process.
Discreet appearance:
Like other clear aligners, CandidCo aligners are virtually invisible, providing a more aesthetically pleasing alternative to traditional braces.
Limited suitability:
CandidCo may not be suitable for those with severe orthodontic issues or complex dental needs, as the treatment is primarily designed for mild to moderate cases.
CandidCo's in-office consultations are only available in select cities, which could be a disadvantage for those who live in areas without access to a Candid Studio.

How Much Does CandidCo Cost?

CandidCo’s clear aligner treatment costs between $2,400 and $4,000, depending on the complexity of the case and the treatment plan. This includes the aligners, the first set of retainers, and any necessary in-office consultations. They also offer a financing option called CandidPro, which allows patients to make monthly payments over an extended period. It’s worth noting that CandidCo occasionally offers promotions and discounts, so be sure to check their website for the latest pricing information.

CandidCo vs. Other Clear Aligner Providers

To help you make an informed decision, we’ll compare CandidCo with other leading clear aligner providers, highlighting their unique features, treatment methods, and costs.

CandidCo vs. Invisalign

  • In-office consultations with certified providers
  • Aligners made from SmartTrack material
  • Treatment typically takes 12 to 18 months
  • Treatment costs between $3,000 and $8,000
  • Insurance coverage varies, and payment plans are available

Invisalign is a well-known clear aligner provider with a more established reputation and a wider network of certified providers. However, CandidCo’s hybrid model and lower treatment costs may appeal to patients looking for a more affordable and convenient alternative to Invisalign.

CandidCo vs. AlignerCo

  • Direct-to-consumer model with remote dental monitoring
  • Aligners made from BPA-free plastic
  • Customized treatment plan by licensed dental professionals
  • One-time payment of $995 or monthly payments available
  • Limited insurance coverage and payment plans available
AlignerCo stands out for its significantly lower cost compared to CandidCo, making it an attractive option for budget-conscious patients. While CandidCo offers a hybrid model with in-office consultations, AlignerCo’s direct-to-consumer approach and remote dental monitoring offer a more convenient treatment option for those seeking to minimize in-person visits. They also have a mobile app that can help their customers monitor their progress with ease.

Comparison: CandidCo and Other Clear Aligner Providers

Provider Treatment Method Aligner Material Treatment Cost Insurance Coverage Payment Plans
Hybrid (in-office & remote)
BPA-free plastic
$2,400 - $4,000
In-office consultations
$3,000 - $8,000
BPA-free plastic
In-office consultations
BPA-free plastic
$2,000 - $6,000
BPA-free plastic

Final Thoughts

CandidCo offers a unique hybrid approach to clear aligner treatment, combining in-office consultations with remote dental monitoring. This blend of convenience and personalized care may be appealing to patients seeking a balance between traditional orthodontic treatment and direct-to-consumer models. However, it’s essential to consider alternatives like AlignerCo, which offers a more affordable and convenient option for those on a tight budget.

Before making a decision, consult with a certified orthodontist or dentist to determine which clear aligner provider is best suited to your unique needs. With proper research and professional guidance, you can confidently embark on your journey to a healthier, more confident smile.


Can CandidCo treat severe orthodontic issues?
CandidCo is designed for mild to moderate cases. Consult with an orthodontist or dentist to determine if it's suitable for your specific needs.
How long does CandidCo treatment take?

Treatment typically takes 6 to 11 months, depending on case complexity and patient adherence to the treatment plan.

How do I clean and maintain CandidCo aligners?
Clean aligners with a soft-bristled toothbrush and cool water. Avoid toothpaste and hot water. Maintain good oral hygiene during treatment.
What if I lose or break a CandidCo aligner?
Contact CandidCo's customer support for guidance. They may suggest ordering a replacement or moving on to the next aligner in your treatment plan.
  1. Candid Co. (n.d.). Products. Retrieved from
  2. Kumar, K., Sharma, A., & Sharma, P. (2015). Clear aligners in orthodontic treatment. Journal of Pharmacy & Bioallied Sciences, 7(Suppl 2), S299–S301.