Get Informed: Our Expert Analysis and Reviews of Clear Aligner Brands

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The Ultimate Breakdown:
Compare Cost, Inclusions & More

Brand Key Features Pricing / Payment Plans Average Treatment Duration Inclusions Plans Accepts Insurance Accepts HSA/FSA
Popular, treats all cases, bite correction
$3,000-$8,000, payment plans, insurance
12-18 months
Clear aligners, teeth whitening kit, retainers
Invisalign InvisalignGo
At-home treatment, large brand
$2,050, $89/month, payment plans
4-6 months
Clear aligners, retainers
Nighttime Aligners Regular Aligners
Fast treatment, HyperByte device
$1,999-$2,399, $83/month, payment plans
3-6 months
Clear aligners, HyperByte device, retainers
All-Day Aligners, At-Night Aligners
Personalized treatment, in-person digital scans
$2,400, $99/month
6 months
Clear aligners, retainers, mobile tracking app
Clear aligners only
Affordable, high-quality
$995-$1,145, $110/month, payment plans
6-11 months
Clear aligners, retainers, mobile tracking app
NightOnly Clear Aligners
Customized treatment, quality customer service
$1,299-$1,595, $99/month, payment plans
4-8 months
Clear aligners, retainers
Night Aligners, Day Aligners
Superior clarity, comfort
$1,495-$1,645, payment plans
4-8 months
Clear aligners, retainers
All-Day Quick, Night Comfort
Quick, easy at-home impression, affordable
$1,249-$1,549, $93/month, payment plans
4-6 months
Clear aligners, retainers
All-Day Plan, Night-Wear Plan
At-home treatment, orthodontist guidance
$1,845-$1,848, $99/month, payment plans
4-6 months
Clear aligners, retainers
Clear aligners only

Discover the Ultimate Clear Aligners Handbook: Expenses, Maintenance, and All the Latest Insights!

Get comprehensive insights into clear aligners featuring insights on pricing, care, and maintenance.Stay up-to-date and achieve the smile of your dreams.


What are clear aligners, and how do they work?
Clear aligners are a modern alternative to traditional braces. They're custom-made, nearly invisible plastic trays that fit snugly over your teeth to gradually shift them into the desired position. Your orthodontist will design a plan where each set of aligners make slight adjustments to tooth position, a process that is mapped out in advance, specifically for your teeth.
How long does treatment with clear aligners take?
Treatment duration with clear aligners varies depending on the complexity of the case, but typically it takes between 12 to 18 months. However, you'll start to see a difference in your smile in a matter of months. Your orthodontist will provide a personalized treatment plan to suit your specific needs.
Can I eat and drink while wearing my clear aligners?
It's recommended to remove your clear aligners while eating and drinking anything other than cool water. This prevents damage to the aligners and potential staining. After meals, you should also brush your teeth before reinserting the aligners to maintain good oral hygiene.
Are clear aligners comfortable?
Clear aligners are typically more comfortable than traditional braces. They're custom made for your teeth, which usually makes them fit better and reduces irritation. Some discomfort or pressure is normal when you start wearing a new set of aligners, but this typically reduces after a few days as your teeth adjust to the new position.

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