Byte vs. Candid: Evaluating the Level of Dentist Supervision in Treatment

Unravel the Level of Dental Supervision in Byte and Candid Treatments: Which Provides Better Care?

Dentist Supervision in Treatment

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Choosing between clear aligner treatments can be overwhelming, especially when considering aspects like dentist supervision throughout the process. This article will compare Byte and Candid, two popular clear aligner brands, and evaluate the level of dentist supervision each provides during treatment. To learn more about clear aligners read our article on Smile with Confidence: Your Ultimate Clear Aligners Guide and At-Home vs In-Office Clear Aligners: The Comprehensive Comparison

Overview of Byte and Candid

Byte and Candid are both reputable providers in the clear aligner market. They offer at-home teeth alignment services, making orthodontic treatment more convenient and accessible than ever. However, their approaches differ, especially when it comes to dental supervision.

Byte Overview

Byte offers an affordable and speedy solution for teeth straightening. They’ve gained popularity due to their proprietary HyperByte technology, which claims to halve treatment times.

Candid Overview

Candid stands out for its commitment to professional oversight. They promise that licensed orthodontists oversee every case from diagnosis to completion, providing a higher level of care throughout the treatment.

The Level of Dentist Supervision

Byte’s Dentist Supervision

While Byte does not have physical locations for check-ups, they ensure that a licensed dentist or orthodontist reviews and approves each treatment plan. Additionally, their customer service team is available for any queries, and dental professionals can be reached in case of any issues with your treatment.

Candid’s Dentist Supervision

Candid takes dentist supervision a step further. Your treatment will be monitored consistently by an orthodontist who will review your progress every two weeks. Furthermore, Candid’s tele-dentistry model includes regular remote check-ins, ensuring that an orthodontist oversees the entire process, from the initial scan to the final results.

The Treatment Process

Byte Treatment Process

With Byte, after your teeth impressions are taken at home and sent to their lab, a licensed dentist or orthodontist will create your treatment plan. Every 90 days, you are required to check in with their team for monitoring and to address any potential concerns.

Candid Treatment Process

At Candid, a remote consultation initiates the treatment process. An orthodontist reviews your 3D scans or impression kit results and designs a personalized treatment plan. Throughout the treatment, you’ll have regular virtual check-ins with your orthodontist to ensure everything is going as planned.

Conclusion: Comparing Dentist Supervision in Byte and Candid

When it comes to dental supervision, both Byte and Candid maintain a certain level of professional oversight. Byte’s approach is more hands-off, relying on periodic check-ins, while Candid provides a continuous, high level of professional interaction. The choice between the two ultimately depends on personal preference and comfort level. If you prefer consistent and frequent supervision, Candid’s model might be the right choice for you. For those who prefer less frequent check-ins and a more independent treatment experience, Byte might be the better fit.


How long does the treatment with Byte and Candid usually take?
On average, Byte claims to deliver results in 2-4 months, while Candid's treatment usually spans around six months. However, treatment time may vary based on individual needs.
Are Byte and Candid suitable for all age groups?
Byte and Candid treatments are suitable for teens and adults but are not recommended for children with still-growing teeth.
How often are check-ins with Byte and Candid?

With Byte, check-ins are required every 90 days, whereas Candid conducts virtual check-ins every two weeks throughout the treatment.

  1. Byte. (n.d.). How It Works. Retrieved June 14, 2023, from
  2. Candid. (n.d.). Candid Treatment Process. Retrieved June 14, 2023, from