Braces and Dental Procedures: What You Need to Know

Your Guide to Safe and Effective Dental Treatments for Braces-Wearers

Teeth Straightening Treatments

Table of Contents

Braces are a popular and effective method for teeth straightening, but they also require extra care and attention. This includes being mindful of dental treatments that may interfere with your braces or hinder their effectiveness. If you’re worried about what dental procedures are safe and unsafe during your braces treatment, you’ll find your answers here. In this blog post, we will highlight the dental treatments you should avoid while wearing braces and provide braces-friendly alternatives to help you maintain a healthy smile.

Dental Treatments to Avoid with Braces

Teeth Whitening

While teeth whitening can boost your confidence and improve your smile, it’s best to wait until your braces are removed before undergoing this treatment. Whitening products can cause uneven coloration, as they may not reach areas covered by brackets and wires. Moreover, some whitening agents can potentially weaken the adhesive used to attach your braces to your teeth.

Braces-Friendly Alternative: Maintain good oral hygiene and avoid stain-causing foods and beverages, like coffee and red wine, to keep your teeth looking their best.

Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are thin shells that are placed on the front surface of teeth to improve their appearance. However, veneers cannot be applied on teeth with braces, as the brackets and wires obstruct the bonding process. Additionally, your teeth may continue to shift during orthodontic treatment, making veneers an ineffective solution.

Braces-Friendly Alternative: Consider clear aligners, which are a more discreet option for teeth straightening without the need for brackets and wires (Read more: Belmar Orthodontics).

Dental Crowns and Bridges

Dental crowns and bridges can be problematic for those with braces, as they require adjustments to your existing teeth structure. This can interfere with your orthodontic treatment plan and potentially prolong the time you need to wear braces.

Braces-Friendly Alternative: Consult with your orthodontist and dentist to create a comprehensive treatment plan that includes any necessary restorative work after braces removal (Read more: Hardy Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics).

Dental Treatments to Continue with Braces

Regular Dental Checkups and Cleanings

It’s essential to continue with regular dental checkups and cleanings while wearing braces. These visits will help prevent plaque buildup, cavities, and gum disease that can complicate your orthodontic treatment.

  • Schedule dental checkups every six months
  • Practice proper oral hygiene, including brushing and flossing around your braces

Orthodontic Adjustments

Routine orthodontic adjustments are crucial for ensuring your braces are working effectively. These appointments allow your orthodontist to monitor your progress and make any necessary changes to your treatment plan.
  • Attend orthodontic appointments as recommended by your orthodontist
  • Keep open communication with your orthodontist regarding any concerns or questions

Scaling and Polishing with Braces

The Importance of Scaling and Polishing for Braces-Wearers

Understand the significance of professional teeth cleaning, including scaling and polishing, for maintaining oral health during orthodontic treatment.
  • Removes plaque and tartar buildup around brackets and wires
  • Helps prevent gum disease and tooth decay
  • Recommended at least twice a year during orthodontic treatment

Scaling and Polishing Techniques for Braces

Discover the specialized scaling and polishing techniques dentists use to safely clean teeth with braces.

  • Use of ultrasonic scalers to remove tartar around brackets
  • Hand scaling techniques to reach areas beneath wires
  • Polishing with low-abrasion paste to avoid damaging braces

Extractions and Wisdom Tooth Considerations for Braces-Wearers

Tooth Extractions During Orthodontic Treatment

Here are some of the scenarios in which tooth extractions may be necessary during orthodontic treatment and how they can impact your braces.

  • Extractions may be needed to create space for teeth alignment
  • Your orthodontist will coordinate with your dentist to plan extractions
  • Extractions can affect the duration and complexity of your treatment

Wisdom Tooth Management for Braces-Wearers

Here are the considerations surrounding wisdom teeth and how they can affect orthodontic treatment.
  • Wisdom teeth can cause crowding or shifting of other teeth
  • Regular dental exams and X-rays to monitor wisdom tooth development
  • Consult with your orthodontist and dentist to determine if extractions are necessary


Navigating dental treatments while wearing braces may seem challenging, but by being informed and cautious, you can maintain your oral health and achieve the desired results. Avoid teeth whitening, dental veneers, and crowns or bridges while wearing braces, and opt for braces-friendly alternatives like clear aligners when appropriate. Most importantly, continue with regular dental checkups, cleanings, and orthodontic adjustments to ensure your teeth remain healthy and your braces work effectively.

By following these guidelines and working closely with your dental and orthodontic professionals, you’ll be on your way to a straighter, healthier smile that lasts a lifetime.


Can I use an electric toothbrush while wearing braces?
Yes, electric toothbrushes are suitable for braces-wearers. Use a soft-bristled brush head and brush gently to avoid damaging your braces.
How can I prevent discomfort and pain after getting braces or adjustments?
To minimize discomfort, try over-the-counter pain relievers, apply orthodontic wax, rinse with warm saltwater, and eat soft foods.
How long do I need to wear my retainer after my braces are removed?
Retainer usage varies, but typically you'll wear it full-time for several months to a year, followed by nighttime wear indefinitely. Your orthodontist will provide specific instructions.
Can I undergo dental treatments like fillings or root canals while wearing braces?
Yes, you can undergo treatments like fillings or root canals with braces. Your dentist and orthodontist will coordinate the procedures to ensure no damage is done to your braces or orthodontic treatment.
  1. Belmar Orthodontics. (n.d.). Dental services you need during braces. Retrieved from,make%20this%20easy%20for%20you
  2. Hardy Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics. (n.d.). Getting dental work done with braces. Retrieved from

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