AlignerCo vs. Candid: A Comprehensive Comparison of Treatment Plan Flexibility

Comparing Treatment Plan Adaptability and Customization of AlignerCo and Candid

Evaluating Treatment Plans

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When it comes to clear aligners, having a flexible treatment plan is crucial. Every person’s dental correction needs are unique, and a one-size-fits-all approach can’t cater to individual requirements. This blog post examines two leading providers, AlignerCo and Candid, in terms of their treatment plan flexibility.

Brief Overview: AlignerCo and Candid

AlignerCo and Candid are two prominent names in the clear aligner market. Both have made dental alignment more accessible and affordable, yet they differ significantly in their treatment planning and customer service approach.

To learn more about clear aligners read our article on Smile with Confidence: Your Ultimate Clear Aligners Guide and At-Home vs In-Office Clear Aligners: The Comprehensive Comparison

AlignerCo Overview

AlignerCo offers affordable, custom-made aligners delivered straight to your doorstep. It operates entirely online, providing personalized treatment plans after reviewing dental impressions you take at home. Read our detailed review on AlignerCo’s Clear Aligners for a comprehensive guide.

Candid Overview

Candid also offers direct-to-consumer aligners but with a unique touch. They have physical studios where customers can go for initial scans if they prefer. Candid’s treatment plans are developed and monitored by orthodontists, ensuring professional oversight.Read our detailed review on CandidCo Clear Aligners: The Complete Review

Delving into Treatment Plan Flexibility

Treatment plan flexibility is a key factor in a patient’s clear aligner journey. It considers how well the provider can adapt to changes during the treatment period. Let’s see how AlignerCo and Candid fare in this aspect.

AlignerCo’s Treatment Flexibility

AlignerCo’s online model offers a significant amount of flexibility. Their process begins with a home impression kit, and after your aligners are made, you’ll have the flexibility to manage your treatment from home. While there’s no direct orthodontist supervision, their customer support team is available to answer questions or address concerns.

Candid’s Treatment Flexibility

Candid stands out in treatment flexibility due to its mix of online and offline services. They offer optional in-person scans at Candid Studios for accurate impressions. Additionally, Candid assigns a dedicated orthodontist to each patient. This professional continuously monitors progress via remote check-ins, which can offer reassurance and allow for proactive adjustments.

Conclusion: AlignerCo vs. Candid for Treatment Plan Flexibility

Both AlignerCo and Candid offer unique advantages. AlignerCo is excellent for self-starters who prefer managing their treatment independently, while Candid provides more hands-on professional supervision. The best option depends on your personal preferences and orthodontic needs.


How does AlignerCo manage patient support without orthodontist supervision?
While AlignerCo doesn't offer direct orthodontist supervision, they do have a robust customer support team in place. This team is trained to guide customers throughout their aligner journey. They help address any queries or concerns, provide advice on usage, and can facilitate discussions with dental professionals if needed.
How does Candid's model enhance treatment plan flexibility?
Candid's model of assigning a dedicated orthodontist to each patient enhances treatment flexibility. These orthodontists remotely monitor treatment progress using periodic scans provided by the patients. Based on these scans, they can recommend proactive adjustments to the treatment plan, ensuring effective alignment and quicker results. This continuous professional oversight helps in fine-tuning the treatment according to individual needs.
What is the advantage of Candid's physical studios?

Candid's physical studios offer customers the option to have their teeth professionally scanned for creating aligners, instead of doing an impression kit at home. This can ensure a more accurate impression and fit of aligners. Additionally, these studios offer customers the opportunity to ask questions and get a feel for the process before committing.

How does AlignerCo handle changes needed during the treatment period?

AlignerCo provides ongoing support throughout the treatment period. If patients have concerns about aligner fit or experience unexpected shifts in their teeth, the AlignerCo support team can help address these changes. While they don't offer direct orthodontist supervision, they can facilitate conversations with dental professionals to manage any significant changes to the treatment plan.

  1. AlignerCo. (n.d.). How it Works. Retrieved June 14, 2023, from
  2. Candid. (n.d.). Our Treatment. Retrieved June 14, 2023, from