Candid Vs 2USmiles: Which One Is Right For You?

Perfect Your Smile: A Comprehensive Comparison of Candid and 2USmiles Clear Aligners

Comparing Clear Aligner Providers

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Candid Vs 2USmiles: Which One Is Right For You?

Clear aligners have revolutionized the way we approach orthodontics, making it possible to achieve that dream smile without the discomfort and visibility of traditional braces. Today, we’re comparing two leading brands in the field, Candid and 2USmiles, to help you make an informed decision. Let’s dive in!

Getting to Know the Contenders: Candid and 2USmiles

Candid: Emphasis on Professional Supervision

Candid has a robust reputation for offering clear aligner treatments that are exclusively designed and monitored by orthodontists. This orthodontist-led approach ensures a high standard of care throughout the treatment.

Established in 2017, Candid has quickly become a prominent player in the clear aligner market. The company prides itself on providing orthodontist-led treatments, ensuring a high standard of care throughout the treatment process. By focusing on working exclusively with orthodontists, Candid guarantees that their customers receive expert guidance and supervision, ensuring successful outcomes.

2USmiles: Affordability Meets Quality

2USmiles is renowned for its commitment to affordable care without compromising on quality. They offer a streamlined process and low-cost aligners, making teeth straightening more accessible to a broader population.

Founded in 2020, 2USmiles has made a name for itself by providing affordable, high-quality clear aligners without compromising on results. Their mission is to make teeth straightening accessible to a wider audience without the hefty price tag often associated with orthodontic treatments. 2USmiles simplifies the clear aligner process, offering a one-size-fits-most solution for those with mild to moderate alignment issues. The treatment process begins with an at-home impression kit, which is reviewed by dental professionals to create a custom treatment plan.

Candid Vs 2USmiles: Pros and Cons

Candid: Pros and Cons


  1. Orthodontist-led Treatment: All of Candid’s treatment plans are designed and supervised by orthodontists, ensuring a high level of expertise.
  2. Remote Monitoring: Candid’s proprietary technology, CandidMonitoring, allows for progress tracking and professional supervision without regular office visits.
  3. Studio Locations: For those uncomfortable with at-home impressions, Candid offers in-person scans at their studio locations.


  1. Higher Cost: Candid’s aligners are more expensive compared to many other brands, though they do offer payment plans.

2USmiles: Pros and Cons


  1. Affordability: 2USmiles is one of the most cost-effective clear aligner solutions on the market, making it an attractive choice for budget-conscious consumers.
  2. Simple Treatment Process: The company offers a user-friendly, streamlined treatment process, making it easy for customers to navigate their orthodontic journey.
  1. Lack of Personalization: 2USmiles offers a more standardized treatment process which might not be ideal for complex orthodontic cases.

Byte and Candid both offer effective clear aligner solutions, but they cater to different needs. Byte’s focus is on providing a fast, affordable treatment, which is ideal for those seeking quick results on a budget. On the other hand, Candid’s emphasis on professional orthodontist oversight and personalized care make them a great choice for those who prioritize a more conservative and monitored approach.

Detailed Comparison: Candid Vs 2USmiles

Treatment Process and Effectiveness

Candid employs a meticulous treatment process that begins with either an at-home impression kit or an in-person 3D scan at a Candid Studio. The treatment plan, designed by an orthodontist, is followed by the production of custom aligners. Remote monitoring through CandidMonitoring allows professionals to keep track of your progress.

On the other hand, 2USmiles offers a simplified process that starts with an at-home impression kit. The aligners are designed to address mild to moderate alignment issues. While this straightforward approach is user-friendly, it may not cater to more severe or complex cases.

Customer Service

Both Candid and 2USmiles provide customer support via phone and email. However, Candid offers an additional layer of assistance with in-person support available at Candid Studios.

Comparative Table: Candid Vs 2USmiles

Candid 2USmiles
Starts at $2,400 or $99/month
Starts at $1,299
Treatment Duration
Average 6 months
Varies depending on individual case
Customer Support
Phone, Email, Live Chat, In-person
Phone, Email
Treatment Plan
At-Home Impression Kit or In-person Scan, Aligners, CandidMonitoring
At-Home Impression Kit, Aligners
Designed by
Dental professional
In-Person Consultation
Yes, at Candid Studios

Conclusion: Candid Vs 2USmiles

Ultimately, the decision between Candid and 2USmiles comes down to what you value most in your journey to a better smile. If you’re looking for a highly personalized, professional orthodontist-led approach, Candid could be your perfect match. However, if affordability and simplicity top your list, 2USmiles offers a compelling package. Remember, the ideal choice will depend on your unique needs and circumstances.


How do the costs of Candid and 2USmiles compare?

Candid's treatment starts at $2,400 or $99 per month with financing. On the other hand, 2USmiles offers a flat rate of $1,299 for their clear aligner treatment.

Who designs the treatment plans for Candid and 2USmiles?

At Candid, all treatment plans are designed and monitored by orthodontists. For 2USmiles, treatment plans are designed by dental professionals.

Do both companies offer customer support?

Yes, both Candid and 2USmiles offer customer support through phone and email. Additionally, Candid offers in-person support at their Candid Studios.

Which service is more affordable?

2USmiles generally offers a more affordable clear aligner treatment compared to Candid.